Autógrafos y letras de Golden State Warriors recibidos (pagina 2 de 4):
ex-NBA player Mark Jackson Success (Golden State Warriors) - 05 de octubre de 2012 Sent: August 11, 2012
Received on: October 5, 2012
I sent 5 cards to Mr.Jackson via Golden State Warriors address, and he signed all of them.
Thanks Mr.Jackson
I used the address on the database.
Jerry West Success (Golden State Warriors) - 23 de junio de 2012 Sent: 5-14-12 SI cover, SASE, LOR
Received: 6-23-12 SI cover signed, flyer for his new book
Address Used: Golden State Warriors team address in database
Close up :
Jerry West is a class act all the way, always taking time out of his schedule for the fans.
Jerry West Success! (Golden State Warriors) - 08 de abril de 2012 Sent Mr. West a card to the golden state warriors addy in data base and he sent my card signed back in about 10 days
Envelope and Card