Autógrafos y letras de Goose Gossage recibidos (pagina 10 de 10):
Rich "Goose" Gossage success (Goose Gossage) - 18 de julio de 2011 Sent rookie card in toploader, SASE, short note and $10 dollar cash donation to BAT (Baseball Assistance Team) to Goose Gossage at:
35 Maryland Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Sent on June 27th, 2011. Received back in SASE on July 16th, 2011. Signed "Goose Gossage HOF 2008" in blue sharipe. Didn't ask for the inscription, but it is very cool! Also has the prettiest signature I have seen yet. |
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Former Yankee, GOOSE GOSSAGE success! - 07 de mayo de 2011 I went to a spring training game a couple months ago and goose was there signing autographs, however, they stopped the line two people in front of me because the game was about to start. I sent Goose a note telling him what happened and asking if he could please sign my ticket from that day. I also included a self addressed and stamped envelope.
Sent 4/5/2011 Received 5/6/2011
Goose Gossage
35 Marland Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(sorry about the background of the picture, of course the book I choose to put it on has boxers on the cover haha)
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