Autógrafos y letras de Greg Wrangler recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Greg Wrangler Success - 24 de octubre de 2014 So glad to have a success from an actor has apperared in such shows such as The Young and the Restelss as well as many movies... But I perhaps best know this guy for playing college student Peter in the classic 1985 Christmas TV commercial "Home for the Holidays" for Folgers Coffee... Below is a breakdown of my success:
Date Sent Out: October 14, 2014
Date Received: October 24, 2014
Wait Time: 10 Days
Address Used:
PO Box 1446
Santa Monica, CA 90406
Sent Out: Letter, SASE, 3x5 Index Card
Got Back: My index card personalized to me by Greg Wrangler with a silver Sharpie along with a small personalized computer printout of himself in my return envelope