Autógrafos y letras de Hannah New recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Hannah NEWHOUSE (Motorsports Reporter) - 08 de mayo de 2021 Hannah NEWHOUSE
c/o Motor Racing Network
555 MRN Drive
Concord, NC 28027
Sent 04/29/2021
Rec 05/08/2021
Signed 2 TC, 1 AC plus a Thank You Note from Hannah.
Hannah New Success - 19 de septiembre de 2019 sent: mid-April 2019
recv'd: September 19, 2019
Sent three (3) 8x10's, SASE, LoR to Hannah New
I collect autographs from the show Black Sails and was pleased to get all three photos back signed in under 6 months
One with sig only and two personalized
Hannah New
c/o CAM
55-59 Shaftesbury