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Autógrafos y letras de Harrison Ford recibidos (pagina 6 de 10):

Harrison Ford Sucess - 14 de agosto de 2017
Today I received a reply from Harrison Ford. I sent him a letter and three photos to sign on July 28th, and then today I received them back. My photos where left unsinged and I got two other signed photos, a black and white unsigned one of him and a to busy note. One of the photos is a reprint while the other I don't know about. I am just happy to get a reply from such a great actor and am thankful that I got the photos. Here's a picture link and the address is at the bottom of this post. <img src= Address used: Harrison Ford P.O. Box 49344 Los Angeles, CA 90049-0344 USA

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Harrison Ford half-success - 21 de julio de 2017
Sent: LoR (and a ton of compliments), SASE, and photo to be signed on June 10th, 2017 Received: Photo back unsigned, along with SASE, two pre-prints, and too-busy-to-sign note I apologize, but I do not know what address I used. After getting pre-prints from one address, I found multiple home addresses of Mr. Harrison Ford's and sent them out on one day, so I can't tell which address it was. I was hoping to get a real autograph, but I got sendbacks from half of them and then this. I know the address was in California, as the postmark says Santa Clarita, CA, but none of the addresses I used were there. I'm disappointed, but the pre-prints are a bit cool and better than nothing. Uploaded with ###:// Uploaded with ###://

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Harrison Ford Success - 11 de junio de 2017
Sent a LOR and SASE to Harrison Ford to the data base address on Jan. 28 2017. On Feb. 11 2017 I received an autographed 5 x 7 photo . Thank you Mr. Ford. This is an auto pen signature. Address used Harrison Ford P.O. Box 49344 Los Angeles, CA 90049-0344 USA

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Harrison Ford - 10 de mayo de 2017
Sent LOR and SASE on March 3rd, 2015. On May 8th, 2017 I received two 5 x 7 "autographed" photos along with a beautiful 8 x 10 un-autographed photo. I’m not sure if these are authentic or not all I do know is that they do not appear to be pre-print or autopen although, I could be wrong. Either way my 11 year old son is thrilled to get something back after over 2 years of waiting. I sent the request written to him from my son to both a private address as well as writing to his wife Calista Flockhart. Please see below for link to photos: ... c0ulh.html ... absrp.html

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Harrison Ford success - 23 de junio de 2016
sent: 7/2/12 received: 5/7/16 Once again, I don't know why some celebrities take so darn long to respond. I sent a letter, photo, and SASE to this address: Harrison Ford P.O. Box 49344 Los Angeles, CA 90049-0344 Like all fans, I know him best for his roles in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones films. I even did see him in Cowboys & Aliens and The Expendables 3. He never signed the picture I sent him. So he sent me a letter and a pre-print photo of him as Indiana Jones.

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