Autógrafos y letras de Jackie Collins recibidos (pagina 13 de 14):
Jackie Collins success - 23 de agosto de 2011 sent an email through jackies website about a month ago (you have to sign up become a member of her fan club - no charge), and today received a great small signed photograph
envelope, letter from her office and photo
Jackie Collins email success - 25 de julio de 2011 sent an email to jackie collins via her official site a few weeks ago and today i received a letter posted from USA to my address in Scotland, inside the envelope was a picture signed and personalized from Jackie and the words: "stay lucky", also received a letter of authenticity from her and a thank you note.
Jackie Collins Success - 19 de julio de 2011 I e-mailed jackie via her official website on 05.07.11 & received a signed photograph on 19.07.11. Please find picture below: