Autógrafos y letras de Jay Wright recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Jay Wright Villanova Head Coach Success - 29 de diciembre de 2020 Sent email to Jerold.wright at on 12/6/20 and received a signed 8x10 on 12/28/20. Thank you Coach! I don't know if sending items to the return address on the envelope works but may be worth trying.
Jay Wright (Villanova hoops) Success - 11 de agosto de 2011 On 7-15-11, I sent an email requesting an autograph to Villanova head basketball coach Jay Wright at : jerold.wright at
On 8-10-11, I received a personalized an autographed 8x10.
Jay Wright and Bruiser Flint email success - 11 de agosto de 2011 About a month ago sent emails to Jay Wright basketball coach at Villanova and Bruiser Flint coach at Drexel and today i got two signed 8x10 photos in the mail. I used and and go to the basketball page Nova I believe was sent to an assistant coach and Drexel I just sent it to athletic department sorry no scanner. All I need now is Jerome Allen at Penn and my big five collection is complete