Jim Tressel (Former OSU Coach) Email Success - 09 de octubre de 2013 Im a proud Ohio State Buckeyes fan. Not the biggest sports fanatic out there but the Buckeyes are a team I can always lean on. Jim Tressel was one heck of a coach. So I emailed him at his akron email account, which you can easily find on the Akron school site, and told him I was a huge fan of his coaching days. I then asked for his autograph. I did all of this on Sunday aka the 6th. Today in the mail I got a package with two large photographs. One was an 8x10 of Jim in his coaching days at OSU and the other was an Akron collage. Both were personalized and autographed. The picture is down below for your enjoyment. Thanks.
Jim Tressel Success - 09 de septiembre de 2013 A few weeks ago, I sent a LOR, SASE, and two index cards to Jim Tressel (former OSU football coach and current VP. of Strategic Engagement at UAkron) and received my two index cards signed and personalized. Awesome!
Address used:
James P Tressel
The University Of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-4710