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Autógrafos y letras de Joe Torre recibidos (pagina 2 de 3):

JOE TORRE - BETTER LATE THAN NEVER - 28 de diciembre de 2015
Back in 2013 I sent Joe Torre a Yankee Manager card with hopes of getting it back autographed. I am from NY and after leaving the Marines, married a gal from Illinois.... I never dropped the Yankees as my favorite team. That will never change.... I get all my cards, jerseys, balls, and other items signed via mail as I have PTSD, and going to games, or crowds are things I really can't handle. Sometimes I win, Sometimes I lose...... Cards are ok compared to a jersey or mini helmet, puck, or bat.... I have a list of over 30 items still out there. Just today I opened the mail and found an old self addressed envelope that I stopped using over a year ago. When I opened it up, to my surprise were two autographed combo L.A. ANGELES / DODGERS #136. It is awesome to finally get something back from Mr. Torre. But am I asking too much to get back the card that I sent him? My personal collection is Yankees and Joe Torre as Manager in that part of Yankee history is what I am working on. Where does a Angeles or Dodgers card fit in there? I have a Joe Torre collection, as I do with all the greats. So the cards will be put into a rightful place. So.... better late than in the mail another manager card? I think not !!!

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Joe Torre DOUBLE SUCCESS!!! - 27 de diciembre de 2015
I sent a letter, SASE, and photo in March or April 2013 and today I received it signed! I sent a second one on November 17th (2015) and received it signed today as well! I sent to Torre so many times I've lost count and these are my first successes. I'm sorry I don't have the exact addresses but I believe one was sent to the MLB offices: Mr. Joe Torre c/o Major League Baseball 245 Park Avenue, 31st Floor New York, NY 10167 The other may have come from sending to the Baseball Hall of Fame 25 Main Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 A huge success for me-it adds a piece to my 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000 World Series Champions sets, my 2014 Old Timers' Day set, my Hall of Fame set, and my Yankees collection!

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Joe Torre Success! - 21 de abril de 2015
Wow, Id have to say in Feb 2014 or so, I mailed out a lor, stamp, envelope and 1 1992 Topps cards to Hof'er Joe Torre at the Office of the Commissioner in NYC. Yesterday 4/20/15 I received my card back signed! so cool!!! Envelope:' Uploaded with ###:// Card: Uploaded with ###://

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Joe Torre RTS :/ - 10 de mayo de 2012
I saw a recent success so decided to try. I sent the letter on 04-30-2012 and got the RTS on 05-05-2012. It had that yellow sticker that says " Return to Sender. Not Deliverable as Addressed. Unable to Forward ". It's the database address. Did the mailcarrier goof up? Joe Torre The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation Grand Central Station PO Box 3133 New York, NY 10163 No scanner for envelope.

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Si un envío no puede ser entregado al destinatario, es devuelto al remitente.
Joe Torre Success - 24 de abril de 2012
I sent a Baseball Card to Joe Torre, along with LOR and SASE. Received the card back in about a month. Sorry no envelope. Address Used: Joe Torre The Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation Grand Central Station P.O. Box 3133 New York, NY 10163 ... eauto.jpg/

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