Joel Hodgson success!!! - 12 de noviembre de 2011 I was a big fan of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 when it first began running on Comedy central in the early 90's. Joel was one of the creators and stars and left the show after episode 100. I'll leave it up to you whether or not the quality of the show declined after he left, but i think it did. His newest endeavor is called Cinematic Titanic. Check out the website, it looks really cool. Anyway, on 10-24-11 i sent to the Cinematic Titanic address a LOR, SASE, and 3 index cards, and today (11-12-11) i received in my SASE the 3 index cards signed. The address is : Cinematic Titanic P. O. box 86 Marine St. Crx , Mn. 55047 No scanner. |