Autógrafos y letras de Johnny Depp recibidos (pagina 7 de 20):
Johnny Depp Autopen Success! - 30 de junio de 2017 Sent LOR and SASE to The Spank Tyler Company (current address on fanbiz) on 6/12/17
Received this autopen back today 6/30/17 not in my original SASE. It's my first TTM autograph and I'm happy nonetheless.
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Johnny Depp Success (Taylor Address) - 12 de junio de 2017 I sent a letter to Johnny Depp via the Spanky Taylor Company and received a picture with an autopen signature - I was really happy to receive this one! And hey, even if its an autopen, its definitely better then a RTS or nothing!
Sent: Around May 1st
Received: May 21st
The Address used was:
Johnny Depp
c/o The Spanky Taylor Company
3727 W. Magnolia
Suite 300
Burbank, CA
Here's a photo:
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Johnny Depp Success - 07 de marzo de 2017 Sent out fan mail to Johnny Depp on Jan 2nd and received an autograph picture on Jan 24th. Address used: The Spanky Taylor Company, 3727 W. Magnolia, Suite 300, Burbank, CA 91505. |
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Johnny Depp RTS - 02 de noviembre de 2016 I sent a manila envelope with letter and gift on 16th October 2016. On 1st November 2016, I received the envelope back to me. A sticker was affixed declaring "RETURN TO SENDER" and "UNABLE TO FORWARD". The sticker is dated 26th October 2016. The address I had sent to: Johnny Depp / Infinitum Nihil / 9100 Wilshire Boulevard / Suite 275W / Beverly Hills, CA 90212.
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Johnny Depp AP - 10 de septiembre de 2016 Today I got this photo! I know that this is AP, but I'm happy that I at least received a signed photo~ (Even by a machine ) AP is better than stamp/print/nothing, right? That's the first TTM in my future little collection!
I sent a request 29.07.2016 and got a response 10.09.2016. From USA to Ukraine! So quickly! o_o
Sent a simple LOR , SAE and 10x15 photo. No IRC or stamps.
Address - The Spanky Taylor Company one.
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