Autógrafos y letras de Judy Sheindlin recibidos (pagina 4 de 28):
Judge Judy personalized success (Judy Sheindlin) - 02 de diciembre de 2015 I requested an autograph from Judge Judy through her website ("submit a case" link) on 8/24/15 and received a nice signed 8x10 on 11/30/15.
Uploaded with ###://
Uploaded with ###://
JUDGE JUDY - DOUBLE SIGNED SUCCESS!! (Judy Sheindlin) - 18 de noviembre de 2015 I've been a big Judge Judy fan for well over ten years now. Love her show but we're so far behind in the UK. The newest episodes I'm seeing are from 2008!
I sent 4 page A5 LOR, 1 A4 photo, SASE.
Address: (taken from
Judy Scheindlin
Judge Judy (TV Show)
5842 W. Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6607
Sent: 28/10/2015
Received: 17/11/2015
Turnaround: 20 Days
Received my photo personally autographed in my SASE. (The envelope had already been fully opened...)
Very pleased with this success, especially as Judy took the time to autograph my photo twice
Judge Judy Success (Judy Sheindlin) - 28 de septiembre de 2015 Sent 8-14-15
Received 9-28-15
LOR SASE one photo
Address used in database
Judge Judy
5842 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028-6607
Judge Judy Success (Judy Sheindlin) - 25 de septiembre de 2015 I sent my request for an autographed photo through Judge Judy Opinions back in May 2015. I got a reply on July 1, 2015, asking me to email them my address to send it and I finally got my photo on 9/19/2015! It took a while, but I think it was worth having her autograph Thank you Judge Judy Sheindlin