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Autógrafos y letras de Julie Andrews recibidos (pagina 3 de 8):

Julie Andrews RTS - 26 de julio de 2017
I sent a letter, sase, and bookplate to Julie Andrews on July 8, 2017 and received an RTS on July 25,2017 Address Used: Media Four 8840 Wilshire Blvd 2nd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (the photo came out blurry) I guess I'll try the address in the database then since I know that address is outdated but she also doesn't sign

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Julie Andrews signing myths - 04 de julio de 2017
I've seen a few posts regarding the signing habits of Dame Julie Andrews. I'd like to dispel some myths from my experiences. Dame Julie no longer (or infrequently) signs TTM There might be times when she can't sign (I think these might be sent back), but she definitely will sign. I've had the photos below signed (via venue), as well as a bookplate that I had signed for a friend (via her agent). The bookplate took nearly a year to be returned but it did arrive. Ms Andrews won't sign photos from her movies because of copyright infringement The photos I sent Ms Andrews were obviously from her movies & she signed them. Ms Andrews prefers to sign books She will sign books, but if you don't want to risk losing your book in the mail she's signed a bookplate for me (she actually provided it) and photos (as seen blow) Of course, there is no guarantee that Dame Julie will sign, but it's certainly not impossible to obtain her autograph. Not by a long shot!

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Julie Andrews - 27 de junio de 2017
Sent to Julie Andrews at the address below Media Four 10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 2300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA I received my picture back with a letter, stating that she is not signing anymore, she is too busy to sign.

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Julie Andrews half-success - 05 de marzo de 2017
I wrote to Julie Andrews back in November 2016 and received this in February 2017. I sent a LoR, SASE, and two photos to be signed, even though it is said she is more likely to sign books. The address was, Julie Andrews 8840 Wilshire Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90212 ... 6y1h4.html ... vjp3m.html Unfortunately, I don't think the address will work anymore, and you'll get a, "sorry-Julie-Andrews-does-not-sign-autographs-anymore" letter. The fan mail manager was nice to me and said that she found this pre-print on an empty ten-year-old box that had had 500 pre-prints in it and thought I might like to have the one taped to the box, which was generous.

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JULIE ANDREWS- RTS - 04 de agosto de 2016
Sent on 15.02.16. Received everything back on 3.08.16 marked return to sender - address not known. Address: Julie Andrews P.O. Box 491668 Los Angeles, CA 90049-8668 USA

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