Autógrafos y letras de Kate Bilo recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Kate Bilo EMail Success - 27 de marzo de 2014 I have tried several times to get her autograph over the past year and the previous times were unssucessful.
1. Spring 2013: I sent an email requesting an autograph. Never heard back.
2. Fall 2013: I sent a letter and SASE to (CBS 3 - 1555 Hamilton Street - Philadelphia, Pa 19130) and never got a response
3. Winter 2014: I sent a letter, SASE and my own 8x10 photo using my own photo paper... Never got a response...
Finally, I emailed the stations public affairs director a few months back and she said that "Im sorry this has fallen under deaf ears. We are currently out of photos of her but we are getting closer every day.
On March 21, 2014, I sent an email using the address weather at requesting an autograph. Today (March 27, 2014), I received a nice personalized 8x10 photo of her!
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