Autógrafos y letras de Kelly Brook recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
JK & Kelly Brook success (Kelly Brook / Jason King) - 17 de noviembre de 2023 Hi, I emailed Customer.Support at on the 10th Oct and received a signed photo (personalized) today!
Pic of photo + envelope:
Kelly Brook Success - 24 de octubre de 2020 Sent: 3 photos, SASE, LOR
sent: 9/26/2020 US to UK
received: 10/23/20
Kelly Brook Heart 106.2 30 Leicester Square London WC2H 7LA UK
Received all 3 photos back signed as well as two large postcards.
Kelly Brook Success. - 23 de agosto de 2019 Kelly Brook success sent 3 pictures and a DVD sleeve to the heart 106 address on the 14/08/2019 and received today 23/08/2019.
Kelly Brook
Heart 106.2
30 Leicester Square
London WC2H 7LA