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Autógrafos y letras de Mark Hamill recibidos (pagina 1 de 8):

Mark Hamill feedback - 23 de junio de 2019
Mark Hamill feedback Sent: June 18, 2018 LOR, SASE and two photos Address I used: Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA Received back: June 13, 2019 My two photos unsigned and one additional printed photo.

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Mark Hamill printed autograph - 22 de junio de 2019
I sent a LOR, SASE and a picture to Mark Hamill on 01/24/2019 and got my picture back unsigned with a printed autograph on 06/13/2019. Used address: Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287 Grand Blanc, MI 48480 USA

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Mark Hamill Success??? - 08 de marzo de 2018
So, I've seen a few other threads about this and no real conclusions, but I received this today, 8th of March 2018. It's not a photo I sent (I received those back). I sent to the PO Box 287, MI 48480, USA address on the 13th of September 2017. I've been staring at it under the light and the silver of the autograph is definitely not printed onto the actual photograph, though whether it's an autopen is another matter, though I've never seen an autopen which is as thick and inconsistent as this one. If it's real, that's really cool, though I had hoped for a Star Wars one because that's what I sent and talked about in my letter, but anything is really cool if it's legit! I've included several hi-def close-ups, though can't get the silver of the pen to capture the light through the camera. This is very confusing. If it's a fake, who's doing it and why? If it's real, then... that's awesome. Thoughts? Photos:

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Mark Hamill Success, Actor Star Wars Legends - 06 de marzo de 2018
Heute Neu: Mark Hamill P.O. Box 287, Grand Blanc, MI 48480. USA 1 OAK (mitgeschickte Fotos nicht signiert zur�ck) 15.06.2016 - 06.03.2018

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Mark Hamill SUCCESS - 06 de marzo de 2018
Sent to the Michigan address in the database. I've been seeing all the posts too that call it into question, so I'd love some feedback on mine. Sent 12/11/17 Received 3/5/18 I sent two photos, and received them back, with this additional photo signed. It isn't personalize, but I'm still newer to TTM, so I sent this before I knew to ask for it. I spent a bit of time searching online for the same photo and looking at signatures. I don't believe it's a printed signature, you can see the ink reflect differently. I also didn't see any identical looking signatures. The placement and the dot in the "i" all look unique enough. So atleast to me, it seems to come down to if I believe he actually signed it or if someone else signed it. I'm of the impression that it's as authentic as any of the other TTM autographs I get. I did include the other images though for anyone else to compare with. The first close up was with the flash off, the second was with the flash on. Let me know what you guys think.

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