Marley McClean (Star Trek: Voyager) success!! - 04 de septiembre de 2012 I was THRILLED to get back two signed photos AND a lovely personalized letter from the wonderful and talentedMarley McClean who played the inimitable Mezoti in the latter seasons of Star Trek: Voyager! Of the several Borg children (including Manu Intiraymis "Icheb," who, by the way, never replied to my fan mail ) her character was by far my favorite... She has a wonderful website/blog at and it was there I found her address, and figured Id try to write to her...
On 7/5/12 sent 2 8x10s, silver marker, SASE and an LOR to:
Marley McClean
c/o Gisela Shiffer
3G Management
4905 Van Noord Ave
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
On 9/4/12 (coincidentally, the same dates as my Scott McGinnis autographs), received back my 2 8x10s signed in silver, and a personalized letter. How sweet and gracious is that! Im delighted!
By ###:// at 2012-09-04 |