Autógrafos y letras de Megadeth recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Auto success MEGADETH - 01 de julio de 2019 Used the address from here and got one back and 2 return to senders
David Ellefson of megadeth returned two rock cards autographed and threw in a set of picks
(Not sure how to include a picture)
Also c.c. Deville and Scott Ian got return to sender
David Ellefson - Megadeth - Personalized TTM Success. - 12 de febrero de 2016 Sent a LOR, SASE, and CD Slipcover on 01/30/15.
Received my item personalized, with Megadeth guitar picks on 2/11/16.
Used David Ellefson's private address in AZ (It's not hard to find in White Pages).
Megadeth - Paid Success - Pledge Music. - 23 de enero de 2016 Ordered Megadeth's new CD sometime last year on Pledge Music.
Received my signed CD today. Offer No Longer Valid
(but, there are plenty of other artists like Rob Zombie, with reasonably priced signed merch on their site).
Mega Metal!