Autógrafos y letras de Michael Gambon recibidos (pagina 6 de 7):
Michael Gambon (HP's Dumbledore) success - 02 de febrero de 2013 I sent Michael a LOR, SASE and one of my HP covers from the complete boxset in late September 2012 and today I got a reply. I am very happy with this success and is another to add to my collection. I hope to get back all my other covers so my boxset looks good. This took a while and I always worry ill never get my covers back.
The address I used was:
Michael Gambon
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS |
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Michael Gambon (Dumbledore) Success - 17 de enero de 2013 MICHAEL GAMBON
Sent: 8x10, LOR, SASE on 18th December 2012
Received: 8x10 signed on 17th January 2012
Address used:
Michael Gambon
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
- |  |
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Michael Gambon (HP) SUCCESS! - 19 de junio de 2012 On 6/1/12, I wrote Michael Gambon (HP's Albus Dumbledore) with a TTM autograph request, including 3x5 card for signing, SAE, and $2 USD for currency exchange and postage. Got his reply today, 6/19/12, with my 3x5 card signed "Michael Gambon." Address used is below and is in the database.
Michael Gambon
c/o Independent Talent Group, Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London WID 1BS
UK |
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Michael Gambon Success ( Dumbeldore) - 11 de mayo de 2011 Monday 9 may I gott a authetik sign photo with a greeting and his autograph, Im verry happy with it he is one of my favourite actors. I send justa a letter and a SASE
[/Michael Gambon
Independent Talent Group Ltd.
Oxford House
76 Oxford Street
London W1D 1BS
Sent Mars 2011
Sorry for my English |
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Michael Gambon Success!! - 29 de octubre de 2010 [color=#0000FFReceived back my "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" DVD cover this morning signed by Michael Gambon (Dumbledore). I sent to him VV to the theater he was performing at. It says, "Best Wishes Daniel, Michael Gambon"[/color
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