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Autógrafos y letras de Mitt Romney recibidos (pagina 2 de 3):

MITT ROMNEY SUCESS - 21 de junio de 2012
I emailed Mitt Romney and asked for an autographed picture back in April or so. Here is the picture -

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Former GOV & Prez Nominee Mitt Romney AP? Success!!! - 05 de mayo de 2012
I sent 2 index cards to Mitt Romneys campaign website a little over a week ago and today I got them possibly Autopened (opinions are welcome). Address used on Campaign Website! - - Also Blackhawks026, I will not bring up this topic a month later to discuss politics this time I promise!````

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FMR Governor and Prez Can Mitt Romney very werid PP Success! - 03 de febrero de 2012
Sent an email to Mitt Romneys campaign 3 weeks ago and today got 3 preprinted photos of him. The signatures are the same so this is def a PP for sure, but why did I get 3? Strange. - -

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Mitt Romney Email Success - 21 de octubre de 2011
On 9/25/11, I sent an email to Mitt Romney using his 2012 campaign site. On 10/20/11, I received a signed letter and photo. I know the photo is an AP, but I'm not sure about the letter. All of the signatures I have seen from the letters have been different, and the marker bleeds through the paper in a way where more pressure was applied in certain places than others. I'm not incredibly familiar with AP machines, so I'm not sure if they would do this. I'm definitely open to everyone's opinions. Photo: Envelope: Letter (front): Letter (back):

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Mitt Romney Success - 02 de octubre de 2011
I am a full-fledged Romney 2012 supporter, so I am pretty happy with this! I sent his official 2012 campaign website an email on 8/26/2011 and on 10/1/2011, I received a great 8x10 colored photograph of our next president! I got a TTM Mitt Romney success I while back, but I am pretty sure that one was AP (which I am okay with...I'd always take an AP over a PP). This one, however, I do not believe to be an AP or PP. It looks very real. I know it seems like Romney would send out APs, but there are no AP marks on this. The signature itself looks a bit shaky and the texture of the Sharpie's lines he signed it with are not consistent, so I believe that it is authentic. Maybe you agree, maybe you don' matter what, nobody can burst my bubble with this one! (He also sent me a nice letter, as well...signed...I think the signature on that may be AP, but it is a different signature than the one on the picture, so I think the picture is authentic). Picture: ***Please like my Facebook page...All of my autographs are posted there! ***

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