Autógrafos y letras de NCIS recibidos (pagina 11 de 60):
Derek Holland San Francisco Giants Success - 26 de junio de 2019 Sent: March 26, 2019
Received: June 26, 2019
[i[iHe included a card for his foundation.[/i[/i
Derek Holland
C/O San Francisco Giants
24 Willie Mays Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94107
Check out my other successes at my website:
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MLB Success Will Clark (San Francisco Giants) - 24 de junio de 2019 Sent a HWLOR, TC, and SASE to:
c/o San Francisco Giants
24 Willie Mays Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94107
Sent on 5/10/19, received back 6/22/19. Probably the best looking sig I've received yet.
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MLB Dave Righetti SUCCESS! 5/13/19 (San Francisco Giants) - 14 de mayo de 2019 Sent LOR, SASE, 84 Donruss, and 92 Fleer cards on 2/12/19 to the SF Giants at Oracle Park (he's Special Assistant to the GM).
Got response 5/13/19 (90 days), both cards returned, signed in blue.
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Will Clark MLB Success (San Francisco Giants) - 13 de mayo de 2019 Sent 4/10/19
Received 5/13/19
1/2 33 days
Kept one of the cards I sent
Sent to San Fran, return postmark from Baton Rouge
Sent to:
C/O San Francisco Giants
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NCIS Greatest Success! - 29 de abril de 2019 Emailed Help center on the NCIS official fanpage on this site. Messaged on 22nd April asking if they would donate cast autographs for my charity fundraiser. Got a reply same day saying it hd been forwarded to the relevant people nd they hoped that the production team would help me.
Received a fantastic parcel today. The postage was $61 😱😱😱😱😱
Inside was a nice note saying they donated two of everything, once for each of my charities. I honestly could not believe what they sent. I'm beaming! Two signed group photos, caps, shirts, signed scripts, bags, pens and mini torch light with the pens!!!!!!
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