Autógrafos y letras de Neymar recibidos (pagina 2 de 3):
Neymar Jr. - 09 de mayo de 2014 Neymar posted a video on Youtube and there are some letters arrived in his home! I can see also my envelope, so it can be an evidence for the authenticity of the photos, isn't it?
[youtubeB3CSZ2CakoI[/youtube |
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Neymar Success! - 07 de abril de 2014 I don't remember when I sent it out, but it was about in January. I sent LOR, SAE, 1 photo to a very special address. Admin, I don't give out the address because I respect them and I don't want to get them spammed, please respect them and also my opinion!
Today I recieved a beautiful success! He sent me my photo signed and also an autograph card signed in my SAE! I've seen nobody who got signature on his autograph card so I'm very happy with this amazing success!
Photos: ... 68268179:0
Please like my page because I'll do a special giveaway soon! |  |
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HUGE Neymar success X9 - 31 de marzo de 2014 Sent: 07/03/14
Received: 31/03/14
I sent off two photos and two cards to be signed with a letter of request plus £3 for return postage. I sent the letter to his home address in Spain. I received my two photos and my two cards signed back with 4 other autographed player profiles and a letter of thanks. You will find the pictures below. I will be able to trade a couple of the autographs just PM me if you are interested!
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Neymar RTS - 27 de marzo de 2014 I got today a RTS from Neymar. I used his family's address in Brazil, but it wasn't working...
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Neymar Jr. Success - 03 de febrero de 2014 In early January, I sent off a LOR, SAE, and 2 photos to Neymars home address. Last week, I received my two photos back signed! Willing to trade address.
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