Autógrafos y letras de Patricia Kelly recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Patricia Kelly Success, Singer - 24 de abril de 2018 Heute Neu:
Patricia Kelly
Patricia Kelly,
Postfach 106 132,
40859 Ratingen
2 OAK (2 mitgeschickte Fotos unsigniert zurück)
05.02.2018 - 24.04.2018
Patricia Kelly (fmr The Kelly Family) SUCCESS - 18 de octubre de 2011 Sent: on 8 June 2011 I sent LOR, SAE and 1IRC to Patricia Kelly.
Received: 18 October 2011 Signed photo in my SAE
Address ussed:
Patricia Kelly
c/o Pool Position Management
EifelstraÃe 29
50677 Köln
photo+envelope: ... kelly.jpg/
This autograph was dream of my life.
All coments are welcome