Autógrafos y letras de Paul Kratka recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Paul Kratka (Friday The 13th Part 3) succses) - 04 de noviembre de 2013 On Oct. 13th I emailed Paul Kratka who is most famous for playing Rick in Friday The 13th Part 3 and I asked him if I could send him a photo to sign since I'm A HUGE fan of the Friday The 13th films and On Oct. 16th Paul emailed me back saying he'd be happy to sign an autograph for me, so 3 weeks ago I sent A LOR, a SASE, and 2 photos for Paul to sign and on FRI or SAT. I received both of my photos signed and personalized by Paul I'm not sure what day they came, since I was out of town but this is an AWESOME success being A huge fan of The Friday The 13th film series, I can't give out the address since it's his home address but 'll PM the address to anybody who PM's me.
photo # 1
photo #2