Autógrafos y letras de Paul Sinha recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
PAUL SINHA SUCCESS - 06 de abril de 2024 I sent an email to Paul sinha via this email address:
sally at
Took only a span of around 6 days, received a pre-print of him and his autograph!
Still a success in my opinion...
Paul Sinha Success - 30 de julio de 2023 I sent an email to sally at on the 4th June and received it 28th July.
Paul Sinha Email Success - 18 de febrero de 2019 Received signed photo of Paul Sinha aka The Sinnerman Via Email
Sent: 07/02/2019
Received: 11/02/2019
Paul Sinha (The Chase) Success! - 03 de agosto de 2017 Hello,
I sent a LOR and a SAE to Paul Sinha via The Chase studio address and a week later, I received a pre-signed photo
Sent: 28/7/2017
Received: 3/8/2017
Address Used:
Paul Sinha
C/O: The Chase
ITV Studios
Upper Ground
Thank you!