Autógrafos y letras de Paula Prentiss recibidos (pagina 2 de 4):
Paula Prentiss success - 14 de mayo de 2017 Sent to ms. Paula 3 pic 10/04/2017, Received back 3 signed and letter 10/05/2017
Thank to ms. Paula and fanmail
visit me on facebook, more interesting soon:
Paula Prentiss
719 Foothill Rd
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3437
Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin success! - 21 de febrero de 2017 Sent an s.a.s.e. on 2/11/17 and received a photo from each on 2/22/17. Very fast turnaround!!! Used address listed. Thank you Fanbiz!
Paula Prentiss fast success - 30 de septiembre de 2016 I sent a photo and SASE to Paula a week ago and received it today! I used the address below:
Paula Prentiss
719 Foothill Road
Beverly Hills CA 90210-3437
Paula Prentiss success - 19 de septiembre de 2016 Paula Prentiss success
Sent : 02/09/16
Received : 19/09/16
I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs.Paula Prentiss
Paula Prentiss
719 Foothill Rd
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3437
Uploaded with ###://
Uploaded with ###://
Paula Prentiss and Richard Benjamin - 02 de marzo de 2015 Sent to Paula Prentiss about 2 weeks ago using address on this site; 719 Foothill Rd. Rec. my photo signed today! The postage was paid. I had also sent a photo of her husband Richard Benjamin which was too. There is a different return address on the envelope.