Autógrafos y letras de Pele recibidos (pagina 2 de 4):
Pele, Soccer Legend, Success - 05 de octubre de 2015 Sent Pele a letter, Sports Illustrated, blue Sharpie, $20, and a SASE on 7/29/15 addressed to:
Pele Comercio Empreendimentos Participacoes Ltda
Rua Riachuelo, 121, 3andar
11010-021, Santos, Sao Paulo
SASE returned 10/5/15 with SI signed and personalized in blue. 5 Brazilian stamps were added to my the return envelope, postmarked, SANTOS, 14 SET 2015. Also hand written on my envelope under my address, *Estados Vnidos*. Sorry no photo. |
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Saskia Hampele (NEIGHBOURS-Georgia Brooks) - 22 de abril de 2015 Date Sent: March 2nd, 2015
Date Received: April 22nd, 2015
Sent LOR and SASE to:
Saskia Hamplete
c/o Neighbours
P.O. Box 188
Nunawading 3131
received 6x4 colour "Neighbours" promo photocard signed and inscribed. Thank you very much Saskia.
Here is the link to the photo/envelope.
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Pele Success!!!!!!!!! Best player of all time! - 09 de marzo de 2015 Today I got Pele success!
Photos :
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Pele Amazing Success! - 11 de enero de 2015 My first success of 2015, sent LOR, SAE, Donation, a postcard size picture on Oct 27, 2014 to his office address (Fanmail Database), and received my picture signed and personalized on January 10, 2015. Very excited!
Pelé Comércio Empreendimentos Participações Ltda
Rua Riachuelo, 121, 3ºandar
11010-021, Santos, São Paulo
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Pele Amazing Success!!! - 18 de octubre de 2013 Sent: sometimes in September 2013 LOR, SAE, 1 photo to the address in the database
Rec: today (18/10/2013) my photo signed and personalized with a nice note
I can't believe and I'm so happy with this success because I saw that a few people has got a refusing letter so it's pretty cool!!!
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