Autógrafos y letras de Pittsburgh Steelers recibidos (pagina 6 de 9):
martavis bryant, success (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 20 de diciembre de 2014 I sent a letter and a football card to the steelers address on November 24th 2014 and recieved a signed photo of martavis on December 20th 2014, he didnt sign the card, but still happy with the photo.
Joey Porter Success (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 01 de diciembre de 2014 Sent Nov 18
Rec Dec 1
Pittsburgh Steelers
3400 South Water Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203-2346
Mike Munchak SUCCESS! (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 25 de junio de 2014 Sent letter SASE and photo on 4/11 received today! Sent c/o Steelers!
Uploaded with ###://
Dick Lebeau Success!!! (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 15 de enero de 2014 I sent Dick Lebeau an 8x10, LOR, SASE to he steelers address on 12/29/2013 and received back on 01/13/2014.
Photo and Envelope:
Dick LeBeau (NFL) - Success (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 28 de octubre de 2013 Dick LeBeau (NFL)
Mailed: 6/20/13
(2) 5x7 (8 Day Turnaround)
Received: 6/28/13
Both Autographed
Sent to Steelers address in database