Autógrafos y letras de Richard Branson recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Richard Branson Success - 28 de junio de 2017 Had sent a letter along with SASE and pictures in the month of February 2017. I got a reply today with enclosed picture signed by Mr Branson. He didn't sign my pictures and used his own. It's definitely a signed picture and not a printed one.
I sent the letter to the Virgin headquarters in London. I got a revert in a brown envelope which
Wasn't the one I had sent. There was no address mentioned on the envelope but the stamps were from Virgin Islands. Wish they had used a card board support inside as the picture got crumpled quite a bit in transit. ... rwjrr.html
Richard Branson RTS - 21 de febrero de 2017 Sent Jan.5/17 - letter, SASE, photo to
Richard Branson
Virgin Management
The School House
50 Brook Green
London, W6 7RR
RTS: Feb.12/17