Autógrafos y letras de Rick Barry recibidos (pagina 1 de 2):
Rick Barry Success - 18 de junio de 2021 I sent a playing card, letter, and SASE to Rick Barry's home address n 6/3/2021 and received my note and trading card back signed today, 6-17-2021. He answered my couple of questions and personalized the auto for me. Love this guy, what a legend !
Card and Envelope here: |
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Rick Barry (Basketball HOF) SUCCESS! - 19 de febrero de 2021 I sent a letter, SASE, $15 check and photo on January 31st and today I received it back signed and inscribed HOF 1987!
Address used:
Mr. Rick Barry
5240 Broadmour Bluffs Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80906 |
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Rick BARRY (NBA) DNS, Requested $15 per Item - 28 de octubre de 2020 Rick BARRY
5240 Broadmour Bluffs Dr
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Sent 10/19/2020
DNS 10/28/2020
He sent a note requesting for a $15 donation per item. |  |
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Rick Barry NBA HOF Success - 19 de octubre de 2018 Sent LOR, SASE, CIC and $15 donation to the Lakewood United Methodist Church to:
Mr. Rick Barry
5240 Broadmoor Bluffs Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Received my card back signed and personalized.
Sent: 10/6/18
Received: 10/19/18
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Rick Barry Refused RTS - 21 de febrero de 2015 I sent Mr. Barry a SASE on Jan 28. I received it back today refused.
Sent to:
5240 Broadmoor Bluffs Dr.
Colorado Springs, Co. 80906 |
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