Autógrafos y letras de Robbie Loomis recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Robbie Loomis Success - 05 de febrero de 2021 Robbie Loomis
The Robbie Loomis Foundation
926 Oak Dr.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
Sent 4 TCs on 1/25/21 and received all 4 back signed on 2/5/21. Thank you Mr. Loomis!
Robbie Loomis NASCAR Success x2 - 16 de agosto de 2016 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Robbie Loomis
c/o The Robbie Loomis Foundation
926 Oak Dr.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
Received two cards back signed along with a note saying that the envelope was delivered open and there was no card, so he included two of his own. Very nice gesture to make up for the Post Office doing their thing.
Sent: 8/5/16
Received: 8/16/16
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