Autógrafos y letras de Roger Craig recibidos (pagina 6 de 7):
Roger Craig Success!!! San Fransisco running back pro bowler - 06 de mayo de 2013 Sent him a SASE, LOR, and 1 5x7 photo on 4-27-13. He sent it back signed along with 2 of his own cards signed on 5-4-13. =D ... =snapfish/ ... =snapfish/ |
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Roger Craig SUCCESS! - 18 de abril de 2013 On February 16 I sent a letter, picture and SASE to Roger Craig and today I received it back signed and inscribed as requested.
Mr. Roger Craig
16327 Basset Court
Ramona, CA 92065-4247
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Roger Craig Smith (Sonic The Hedgehog) lovely success - 21 de diciembre de 2012 Sent: SASE, LOR, 2 5x7 photographs on 24 November 2012
Received: My photographs signed and an additional 6x4 in my envelope on 21 December 2012
Address used:
Roger Craig Smith
Abrams Artists Agency L.A.
9200 Sunset Blvd.
11th Floor
Los Angeles
CA, 90069
Photos (both side by side):
Additional signed Photo with a lovely message that was on the back:
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Roger Craig SUCCESS!!! - 25 de octubre de 2012 Im so happy to have gotten this success back. Im in the process of trying to get as many living members of the 1964 Cardinals team to sign a baseball. So far I have 19. I sent the ball, $5 fee, LOR, SASE, & blue pen off to Roger Craig at his address in California. So relieved to have gotten it back today.
Sent: 10/12/2012
Received: 10/25/2012
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Roger Craig success! - 07 de septiembre de 2012 On 7/12/12, I sent a letter, 1 card, and SASE to the former pitcher and SF Giants manager at
Roger Craig
16327 Basset Court
Ramona, CA 92065-4247
On 9/6/12 I received my card back, signed in blue sharpie. Sorry, no scan! |
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