Autógrafos y letras de Ron Millkie recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Ron Millkie (Friday The 13th part 1) SUCCESS - 19 de enero de 2014 A couple of weeks ago I sent an email to Ron Millkie who is most known for playing Officer Dorf in Friday The 13th Part 1 and I asked him if I could get a couple of autographs for 2 for me and 2 for ttmcollector and later that day, Ron said hed be happy to sign as many autographs as IDlike so I sent him 2 index cards and asked him for 2 photos and today I got both index cards sigend and 2 8X10 photos 1 for me and 1 for ttmcollector my photo is in black and white and this is another cool success and another addition to my Friday The 13 autograph collection,
Heres Rons address which is also on his facebook page
Ron Millkie
400 West 43rd st. Apt.22J
New York City, NY 10036 and you van also find his email there if you want to contact him personally
Heres my photo and index card