Autógrafos y letras de Sarah McLachlan recibidos (pagina 3 de 5):
Sarah McLachlan Email Success - 31 de mayo de 2014 On 2/18/14 I sent a message on the contact section on Sarah McLachlan's website asking for an autographed photo. On 5/27/14 I received a photo in the mail post marked from Vancouver, BC.
The website address is:
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
Sarah Mclachlan Success! (11 Day Wait!)(5-24-14) - 24 de mayo de 2014 Hi, about 2 weeks ago, I sent an email to Sarahs management and got a success today! If you are unfamiliar with Ms. Sarah, you may know her from the Animal Cruelty commercials this one:
I know her from music, but just wanted to give you all a reference It had a little smudge, but IDC about that little thing...the photo is beautiful. Another gr8 add to my Musician collection book. Here is the pic of it with the envelope:
Sarah McLachlan Success - 22 de abril de 2014 Sarah McLachlan Success
Sent letter, picture and sase from Denver Colorado 3/13/2014 - came back4/21/2014
Sarah McLachlan
Sarah McLachlan
S.L. Feldman and Associates
1505 West 2nd Avenue
Suite 200
Vancouver, BC V6H 3Y4
Uploaded with ###://
please check out and like my Face Book page... over 1500 autographs and growing!!