Autógrafos y letras de Sophie Moser recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Sophie Moser Success, Actress - 11 de septiembre de 2014 Heute Neu:
Sophie Moser
Agentur Bizzybody,
2 OAK eine mit Widmung signiert
05.11.2013 - 11.09.2014
Sophie Moser [German Actress] -- Success [Old, Repost] - 19 de mayo de 2011 Because of the lost in posts I'm reposting my successes to refill the database
Due to these being reposts, I don't have the envelope anymore
Sent: August 21st, 2010. LOR, SASE
Received: January 26th, 2011. Signed and Personalized Autograph Card
Address Used:
Sophie Moser
Agentur BiZZybody
Mühlengasse 1
50667 Köln