Autógrafos y letras de Stan Hansen recibidos (pagina 2 de 2):
Stan Hansen RTS - 10 de septiembre de 2016 On 8.13.16 sent to wrestler Stan Hansen. Received everything back marked Return To Sender on 9.10.16.
Stan Hansen
233 Fannin Drive
Hewitt, Texas 76643
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Stan "The Lariat" Hansen success (Stan Hansen) - 22 de julio de 2016 Sent him an 8 by 10 on 6-24-16 and got it back today signed. Here's the addy I used:
233 Fannin Dr.
Hewitt, TX 76643-3143 |
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Stan Hansen Success! - 21 de julio de 2016 On June 29, 2016, I sent an 8x10, LOR, and SASE to WWE Hall of Famer, Stan Hansen. On July 21, 2016, I received my signed and personalized photo.
Stan Hansen
233 Fannin Drive
Hewitt, Texas 76643 ... jwomd.html |  |
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Wrestler Stan Hansen Success - 28 de junio de 2016 Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to :
Mr. John Hansen II
233 Fannin Drive
Hewitt, TX 76643
Sent : 6/16/16
Received : 6/27/16
As you can see from the envelope, my SASE was stamped from Grand Junction, CO. I don't if he has a new address or what, but either way, this is the address I used and had a quick turnaround. ... ruxnk.html |  |
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