Autógrafos y letras de Steve Englehart recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Steve Englehart (Comic Book Writer) Success - 13 de julio de 2017 Sent: 7/05/2017 4 photos
Received: 7/13/2017 all 4 of my photos back signed!!
Steve Englehart
4035 Oakmore Rd.
Oakland CA 94602
Awesome success He seems like a great guy and I'm glad he signed all my photos! It was honestly tough for me to narrow down what to send him, but I knew at least one had to be Star-Lord. Wish I had a comic to send but I lost all of mine in a house flood when I was in the hospital :'( But, this success is awesome for me
The postmark by the machine happened on the back of the envelope weirdly not cancelling out my stamp. That's why I'm posting both the front and back of it