Autógrafos y letras de Sting recibidos (pagina 2 de 5):
Wrestler Sting Success - 12 de agosto de 2018 Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to :
Steve Borden
791 N Highway 77
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Sent : 8/4/18
Received : 8/11/18
The autograph was done in what looks like a pen and appear genuine, compared to his other autographs online. The SASE envelope was stamped from OK. ... fbpxy.html |
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Interesting Tony Bennett Success - 26 de abril de 2018 Hey Everybody,
About a month ago I sent a copy of Tony Bennett's book to the RPM Music Productions address. The package was returned unopened with "No Unsolicited Material" written on the front. I just assumed they thought it was a demo tape or something. So I resent the book only this time I wrote "Autograph Request" really large on the front. And the book came back signed in about two weeks or so.
So a Great Success But Interesting! |
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Sting music RTS - 15 de marzo de 2018 I am a fan of the music artist "Sting" he makes great music . but
in my today mail box i got a return to sender from "Sting" , Can
anyone help me out with a new address, i want him in my music
collection . thanks so much autograph collectors .
Return to sender
C/o Kathy Schenker Ksm inc
1776 Broadway ste 2205
New York , NY 10019- 2016
Return to sender
Best of luck hope you can help me out . |
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Natasha Hastings FAILURE RTS - 14 de noviembre de 2017 Sent: 11/05/2017 photos
Received: 11/14/2017 RTS
Used address on envelope. Does anyone have a valid address to send to her?! Thank you <3 |  |
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Sting WWE HOF Success - 16 de octubre de 2017 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Steve "Sting" Borden
425 Cunningham Meadows Rd.
Waxahachie, TX 75167
Received my card back signed and personalized.
Sent: 10/6/17
Received: 10/16/17
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