Stooshe - weird, kind of success... - 25 de octubre de 2012 Stooshe are a new girl band from the UK, for those who dont know. Theyre amazing, and I love them!
Anyway, in July, I sent them a fan mail letter with 1 picture. I later found out that I sent to the wrong address!! so I emailed their manager asking for the correct address. On the 6th September 2012, I sent them a new letter with 2 pictures to the address their manager gave me.
Today, October 25th 2012, I recieve my reply! I have ALL THREE pictures returned (the 1 from July + the 2 from September). On photo 1, one girl (Alex) has signed. On photo 2, Alex has signed again. and on Photo 3, theres a message on the back with Alex and another girl (Karis) autographs. There was no autograph from the third girl, Courtney...
Picture 1 (Alex autograph):
Picture 2 (Alex autograph):
Picture 3 (Message + Karis and Alex autograph):
I USED THE ADDRESS IN THE DATABASE (its the same one the manager gave me)
While Im kinda happy with this success, I emailed their manager again just now, telling them that I only have Alex and Kariss autographs. The manager apologised, and asked me for my address, telling me that she will make sure I get a signed photo from all three girls sent to me! I will post that on here, when it comes.
- Daniel |