Autógrafos y letras de Trish Stratus recibidos (pagina 2 de 2):
Awesome TTM Success from Trish Stratus (WWE Diva) - 23 de agosto de 2011 I was so surprised to get an envelope back from Trish Stratus. I wrote a LOR for an autograph picture for my husband who is a big fan of hers and I wanted to give it to him for our anniversary on August 10. A few weeks after I sent my letter in, I saw on her Twitter that she would be getting to her fan mail soon and she mentioned to get your order in. So out of curiosity I clicked on the link that was posted on the tweet and found out she charges for autographs and pictures and dont do request unless you paid the fee. I was kind of bummed out and ruled out ever getting anything back from her. But today when I got the mail...I had an envelope from her. I was so surprised and excited. A few days late for our anniversary, but no complaints, because this was the best TTM ever and my husband is going to be surprised when I give it to him! The picture is slightly bigger then a 5x7.
Sent: July 15, 2011
Received: August 22, 2011
Envelope: ... elope.jpg/