Twiggy Lawson Success - Model - 04 de octubre de 2011 I wrote to Twiggy via PFD around six weeks ago and got her reply this morning, including a signed photo for auction and two signed Xmas cards to go into my Xmas auction for charity.
The photo will be up for auction shortly, alongside the 300+ other items I currently have at
Please pop by blog to check it and all the other items out.
Twiggy Lawson ( Success ) - 03 de octubre de 2011 Sent - 1/9/11 I sent letter picture and SASE
Received - 3/10/11 My picture signed
Address i used was the one in the database
Twiggy Lawson
The Rights House
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA
Picture - ... wson-1.jpg
Sorry no envelope
Twiggy Lawson Success 2nd attempt! - 28 de junio de 2011 SENT: 19 May 2011 LOR 3 x 8x10 SSAE & email from her people
RCVD: 28 June 2011 My 3 8x10s autographed & dedicted (one is for my Mum) in ssae
This was my 2nd try, the first time I rcvd a preprint and my photos I sent did not come back to me, I emailed her management who apologised and said they must have lost the photos and thats why they sent me a preprint.
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA
http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... wiggy.html
my ssae:
Twiggy - Failure as its a pre print :( (Twiggy Lawson) - 17 de mayo de 2011
SENT: 19 Feb 2011 LOR 2 x 8x10 SSAE
RCVD: 17 May 2011 8x10 PRE PRINTED photo - also did not return my photos, PP sent back in my ssae
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA
I thought others had success with her but cant look due to the problem with fanmail, sent her a lovely letter and a current picture & a vintage modelling one - very let down.
preprint here:
http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... wiggy.html
my ssae: