Autógrafos y letras de Vin Scully recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Vin Scully Fail (Los Angeles Dodgers) - 28 de agosto de 2016 Sent LOR, SASE and index card to:
Mr. Vin Scully
c/o Los Angeles Dodgers
1000 Elysian Park Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Received my envelope back with no index card and a form letter.
Sent: 8/13/16
Received: 8/27/16
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Vin Scully failure - 19 de mayo de 2015 I sent a letter about a month ago to Vin Scully and received my photo back unsigned with a form letter from Vin Scully thanking me for my support. Disappointing.
Vince Scully - RTS (Vin Scully) - 16 de noviembre de 2013 Sent Vince Scully a request on two separate occasions in the past month.. Both have been returned; however, I confirmed with the real estate records that he does live there. Based on previous posts, he is selective in signing. Not sure if it worth the time to send..
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