Autógrafos y letras de Vladimir Burlakov recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Vladimir Burlakov / Daniel Sträßer / Brigitte Urhausen / Ines Marie Westernströer - SUCCESS - 02 de febrero de 2022 Sent a SAE and a request for autographs of the "Tatort" team of Saarbrücken to the following adress on 01/26/2022:
c/o Saarländischer Rundfunk
Funkhaus Halberg
66100 Saarbrücken
Got a reply with two pre-signed double autographs on 02/01/2022
Vladimir Burlakov Success - 29 de mayo de 2020 Hey guys,
yesterday I got a quick reply of actor Vladimir Burlakov. He is born in russia but raised in germany where he is most famous for his role in the "Tatort" series. Took around three weeks to get the reply. I sent a letter, SASE, and three pictures that were replied, one of them with a personal note.
Vladimir Burlakov
Joseph-Haydn-Str. 1
10557 Berlin