Fotos de Celeste Holm:
15-07-2012 (FILE) Actress Celeste Holm Dies At 95 (-) Fotos
23-04-2012 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences Celebrates The 65th Anniversary Of "Gentleman's Agreement" () Fotos
09-11-2011 "Picturing Marilyn" Exhibition Opening With A Screening Of "My Week With Marilyn" (Milk Studios, New York, NY United States) Fotos
23-08-2011 23rd Annual ECOFEST Press Conference (Ink 48 Hotel, New York, NY United States) Fotos
26-04-2011 2011 Creative Coalition Spotlight Initiative Awards (HSBC Bank Building, New York, NY United States) Fotos
03-02-2011 "The Road To Qatar" Off-Broadway Opening Night (The York Theatre at Saint Peter?s, New York, NY United States) Fotos
25-10-2010 Broadway Salutes, Arts Horizons Annual Gala (The Edison Ballroom, New York, NY United States) Fotos
18-03-2010 "All About Me" Broadway Opening Night - Arrivals & Curtain Call (Henry Miller's Theatre, New York, NY United States) Fotos
07-03-2010 Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences New York Oscar Night Party (GILT at The New York Palace Hotel, New York, NY United States) Fotos
17-02-2010 "Shutter Island" New York Premiere - After Party (, New York, NY United States) Fotos
17-02-2010 "Shutter Island" New York Premiere - Arrivals (Ziegfeld Theatre, New York, NY United States) Fotos
10-12-2009 Gotham Magazine & Paladin Hosts NY Premiere of "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond" (City Cinemas 123, New York, NY United States) Fotos
10-12-2009 Gotham Magazine & Paladin Hosts NY Premiere of ?The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond? ? After- Party (The Oak Room, New York, NY United States) Fotos
27-10-2008 Art Horizons 30th Anniversary Gala (The Hudson Theatre, The Millennium Hotel, New York, NY United States) Fotos
04-09-2008 Picturehouse Presents The Los Angeles Premiere Of "The Women" - Red Carpet (Mann Village Theater, Westwood, CA United States) Fotos
04-09-2008 Picturehouse Presents The Premiere Of "The Women" - After Party (Mann Village Theater, Los Angeles, CA United States) Fotos