Fotos de Eve Ensler:
05-04-2007 V-DAY: Reclaiming Peace 2007 - "The Vagina Monologues" (TABERNACLE, Atlanta, Georgia USA) Fotos
21-02-2007 V-Day and Glamour Honor Women in Conflict Zones Working For Peace (Campanile, Los Angeles, California Untied States) Fotos
24-10-2006 "Babel" New York Screening - After Party (SoHo Grand, New York City, New York United States) Fotos
13-09-2006 "The Treatment" New York City Premiere - Arrivals (Culture Project, New York City, New York United States) Fotos
19-06-2006 Writers on Violence Against Women and Girls (Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, New York United States) Fotos