Fotos de George W. Bush:
26-05-2006 Dirk Kempthorne is Sworn in as Secretary of The Interior - May 26, 2006 (Washington, DC United States) Fotos
26-05-2006 President George W. Bush Greets Prime Minister Tony Blair of Great Britain - May 26, 2006 (The White House, Washington, DC United States) Fotos
11-05-2006 President George W. Bush meets with Chinese Human Rights activists Li Baiguang, Wang Yi, and Yu Jie - May 11, 2006 (The White House, Washington, D.C. United States) Fotos
23-04-2006 President George W. Bush Meets with California Officials - April 23, 2006 (Rancho Mirage, California United States) Fotos
19-04-2006 Joel D. Kaplan Named Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy - April 19, 200 (Washington, D.C. United States) Fotos
16-04-2006 President George W. Bush Attends Easter Service at Camp David and Visits Military Personnel - April (Camp David, Camp David, Maryland United States) Fotos
06-04-2006 President George W. Bush Meets with 2005 and 2006 NCAA Sports Champions - April 6, 2006 (White House, Washington, D.C. United States) Fotos
28-03-2006 President George W. Bush Meets President-elect Rene Preval of Haiti - March 28, 2006 (Eisenhower Executiive Office Building, Washington, DC United States) Fotos
15-03-2006 President George W. Bush with Venezuelan Baseball Player - March 15, 2006 (Washington, D.C. United States) Fotos
11-03-2006 President George W. Bush Meets with the NSC - March 10, 2006 (White House Situation Room, Washington, D.C., - United States) Fotos
27-02-2006 President George W. Bush Meets with Belrusian Widows - February 27, 2006 (The White House, Washington, D.C., United States) Fotos
04-02-2006 2006 Writers Guild Awards - Show and Dinner (Hollywood Palladium, Hollywood, California United States) Fotos
31-01-2006 Judge Samuel Alito Confirmed as the 110th Justice of the Supreme Court (The White House, Washington, D.C., - United States) Fotos
31-01-2006 President George W. Bush Prepares For the State of the Union Address - January 31, 2006 (The White House, Washington, D.C., United States) Fotos
25-01-2006 President George W. Bush Speaks on the Phone with Canadian Prime Minister-Elect Stephen Harper - Jan (The White House, Washington, D.C., United States of America) Fotos
24-01-2006 President George W. Bush Meets With West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin - January 24, 2006 (The White House, Washington, D.C. United States) Fotos