Fotos de Margaret Thatcher:
06-08-2012 (FILE) New From The Tom Stoddart Archive (-) Fotos
25-02-2012 (FILE) Biopic Roles Traditionally Lead Award Season ((file Photo) In This Composite Image A Comparison Has Been Made Between Sir Laurence Olivier (l) With Marilyn Monroe (l) And Actor Kenneth Branagh (r) With Actress Michelle Williams (r). Oscar Hype Co) Fotos
19-09-2010 Battle of Britain Service (Westminster Abbey, London, England United Kingdom) Fotos
11-11-2009 Passing Of The World War I Generation - National Service (Westminster Abbey, London, England United Kingdom) Fotos
08-11-2009 Remembrance Sunday (, London, England United Kingdom) Fotos
10-09-2008 UK Cessation Of Operations In Northern Ireland Commemorative Service (St. Paul's Cathedral, London, United Kingdom) Fotos
14-06-2007 HRH Queen Elizabeth ll Attends a Memorial Service Commemmorating 25 years since the Falklands War (Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel in Pangbourne, Pangbourne, Great Britain) Fotos
15-11-2006 State Opening Of Parliament (House of Lords, London, United Kingdom) Fotos
01-08-2006 Margaret Thatcher Portrait - Unveiled (Dorchester Hotel, London, Great Britain) Fotos
28-03-2006 "Satirical London" Exhibition Launch at Museum of London - March 28, 2006 (Museum of London, London, Great Britain) Fotos
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