Fotos de Tony Blair:
04-02-2020 Tony Blair speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations (New York) Fotos
17-07-2012 (Washington) Fotos
20-03-2012 Queen Elizabeth II Receives The Addresses From Both Houses Of Parliament (London, England) Fotos
13-09-2010 2010 Liberty Medal - Ceremony (National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA United States) Fotos
13-09-2010 2010 Liberty Medal - Converation With Bill Clinton And Tony Blair (National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA United States) Fotos
08-11-2009 Remembrance Sunday (, London, England United Kingdom) Fotos
09-10-2009 The Queen And The Duke Of Edinburgh Attend Service Of Commemoration (St Paul's Cathedral, London, England United Kingdom) Fotos
21-09-2009 Hugh Jackman Speaks At The 2009 Climate Week NYC Kickoff (The New York Public Library, New York, NY United States) Fotos
08-09-2009 Michael Douglas, Leighton Meester, Sylvia Rhone and Tony Blair Visit "Late Show With David Letterman" - September 8, 2009 (Ed Sullivan Theater, New York, NY United States) Fotos
10-09-2008 UK Cessation Of Operations In Northern Ireland Commemorative Service (St. Paul's Cathedral, London, United Kingdom) Fotos
05-06-2008 ARK Gala Dinner 2008 - Arrivals (Royal Naval College, Greenwich, United Kingdom) Fotos
27-06-2007 Tony Blair and Gordon Brown both have audience with the Queen (Buckingham Palace, London, Great Britain) Fotos
14-06-2007 HRH Queen Elizabeth ll Attends a Memorial Service Commemmorating 25 years since the Falklands War (Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel in Pangbourne, Pangbourne, Great Britain) Fotos
27-03-2007 Protest during Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act Service at Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey, London, Great Britain) Fotos
18-12-2006 British Prime Minister Tony Blair Walks into talks with Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas in Israel
(, Ramallah, Israel) Fotos
06-12-2006 Pre-Budget Statement - December 6, 2006 (Downing Street, London, Great Britain) Fotos