Autógrafos y letras de Alan Titchmarsh recibidos (pagina 2 de 3):
Alan Titchmarsh Email Success - 17 de mayo de 2015 I now have Alan Titchmarsh's autograph
Sent email: 30th April
Got Autograph: 14th May
Sorry I've thrown away envelope
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Alan Titchmarsh Email Success - 15 de mayo de 2015 Sent an email to annie at requesting Alan Titchmarsh autograph and received a singed photo 26 days later. Also sure it is authentic!
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Alan Titchmarsh - poss a PP - 07 de marzo de 2015 Alan Titchmarsh through email. Not sure if it's a pre-signed or a PP. My sister will be happy either way, she adores him.
Emailed 5th March 2015 and got back today 7th March 2015
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Alan Titchmarsh SUCCESS - 10 de octubre de 2014 I sent an email to annie at regarding Alan Titchmarsh on 07/10/14 saying how I love all his TV shows and today I received this in the post thank you Alan.
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Alan Titchmarsh confirmation and thanks - 02 de marzo de 2014 I sent some chocolates, letter and SAE to Alan on: 25th February 2014, along with letter and SAE asking if he recieved them, and yesterday I recieved this note back from him thanking me.
address I used was:
Alan Titchmarsh,
Arlington Enterprises Limited,
1-3 Charlotte Street,
Here is the pic:
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