Autógrafos y letras de Alan Titchmarsh recibidos (pagina 3 de 3):
Alan Titchmarsh success - 25 de febrero de 2014 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Alan on: 1st February 2014, and today I recieved both my photos back signed and personalized.
address I used was:
Alan Titchmarsh,
Here are the pics: -
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Alan Titchmarsh success - 30 de enero de 2014 I sent a printout of a signed photo I had that wasnt personalized, letter and SAE, asking if he possibly had photos like this, he could possibly send me personalized, sent on: 5th January 2014, and today I recieved the signed photo I asked for, personalized. He used his own envelope, and mine wasnt returned, still really happy though.
address I used was:
Alan Titchmarsh,
Arlington Enterprises Ltd.
1-3 Charlotte Street
London W1T 1RD
Here is the pic:
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Alan Titchmarsh Q+A success - 13 de noviembre de 2013 I sent a letter asking some questions, and SAE to Alan on: 31st October 2013, and today I recieved my Q+A back answered, plus he included the Q+A answered too.
address I used was:
Alan Titchmarsh,
Here are the pics:
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Alan Titchmarsh success - 31 de octubre de 2013 I sent a letter and SAE to Alan on: 8th October 2013, and yesterday I recieved this signed and personalized photo from him
address I used was:
Alan Titchmarsh,
Here is the pic: - |  |
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